Here is a simple and effective way to create an evergreen tree in snow.
1. Holding your paper vertically, draw a hilly horizon line.
2. Do a wash in the sky area and add some blues. While it is still wet, lightly sprinkle some salt on it here and there. Let your painting dry. After it's dry brush the salt off and there you have a nice snowy effect.
3. Now we start doing a light underpainting with the side of a round brush using a very light mixture of sap green and prussian blue. Make sure you overlap into the snow.
4. Using the same color mixture start at the center of the tree and work towards the edges of the tree but-Art Secret-stop a little before the edge so you can still see some of the lighter color underneath! I do go to the very edge
at the bottom of the tree to create a cast shadow on the tree.
5. Now you will add a darker and final layer from the center out, again keeping in mind that you don't want to go out too far. Make sure you can still see the first and lightest layer of color and the second layer as well. That way you create color perpective and now...
6. ...for the details. I made sure that the center of the tree was the darkest and I created a light source by painting a shadow under the tree. And for the final touch, I loaded up a toothbrush with white paint (tempera will do) and splattered the whole painting with the white paint for a snowy effect. Make sure you have a lot of newspaper under and around your painting or you'll splatter everything. These are great little paintings.Enjoy!!!