September 24, 2011

art secret 10 - make a color menu part 2

Find the Transparent and opaque colors!
Art Secret Question: What one color is always very transparent in all media? Hint: It's not yellow. See below for the answer. You'll be stunned.

Another way to check out your color menu is to test the opacity and transparency of the colors that you are going to use. Here Laura is using permanent black India Ink to make tests strips. You can test the colors of any art media this way.

Let's talk about why it's important to know the qualities of the medium you're using. Right now Laura has let the India Ink dry on the watercolor paper overnight and will be using watercolor to test her colors. As artists we need to know if one color will overwhelm another color or even obliterate it.

Using the primary colors of red, yellow and blue as her base, Laura is taking 12 completely different colors with 12 different qualities. Check out the names of the colors and see how they look over the India Ink.

Using these same colors, Laura has let them blend together to see the effects she can expect while painting with them. Way to go, Laura!
You all should give this a try, it gives you a lot of information before you even start. And save your menus so you can continue to use them.
Art Secret Answer: Alizarine Crimson is always a very transparent pigment. Test it out and see.

September 6, 2011

art secret 9 - make a color menu

Color Menu For Your Painting!
Why practice on your final painting? The easiest thing to do that gives you the most control is to work up  a menu of the colors that you are going to use in your painting. Look at the shades of yellow and green watercolor in the sample menu above. You can do this with any art medium.

This is a work up of the colors you see in the color menu above. The artist has also added complementary colors into the study. Using a color menu and knowing what colors to use makes your painting shine. Try it and share with us!